Table of Contents

1) Introduction

oath-toolkit contains libraries and utilities for managing one-time password (OTP) authentication e.g. as a second factor to password authentication. Fellow SUSE engineer Fabian Vogt approached our Security Team about the project’s PAM module. A couple of years ago, the module gained a feature which allows to place the OTP state file (called usersfile) in the home directory of the to-be-authenticated user. Fabian noticed that the PAM module performs unsafe file operations in users’ home directories. Since PAM stacks typically run as root, this can easily cause security issues.

The feature in question has been introduced in oath-toolkit version 2.6.7 (via commit 60d9902b5c). The following report is based on the most recent oath-toolkit release tag for version 2.6.11.

2) Vulnerability Details

The PAM module is typically configured using a PAM stack configuration line like this:

auth [user_unknown=ignore success=ok] usersfile=${HOME}/user.oath window=20

The expansion logic of the path components ${HOME} or ${USER} is part of the problematic feature that introduced the security issue.

The PAM module invokes a liboath library function called oath_authenticate_usersfile() found in liboath/usersfile.c, which manages all accesses to the usersfile. Privileges are not dropped, and the function is not aware of the special privileged PAM context. All file accesses in the function are naive and follow symlinks. The relevant file operations that are carried out on successful OTP entry are as follows:

  • opening of the usersfile via fopen() for reading (usersfile.c:470).
  • opening of a lockfile parallel to the usersfile using a filename suffix “.lock” via fopen() for writing (usersfile.c:332)
  • locking of the lockfile using POSIX advisory locks via fcntl() (usersfile.c:350)
  • creation of a new usersfile parallel to the old usersfile using a filename suffix “.new” via fopen() (usersfile.c:372)
  • changing ownership of the new usersfile to the to-be-authenticated user via fchown() (usersfile.c:394)
  • renaming of the new usersfile to the old usersfile via rename() (usersfile.c:411)
  • unlinking of the previously created lockfile (usersfile.c:423)

If this happens in a PAM stack running as root and the usersfile is located in an unprivileged user’s home directory, then a simple root exploit is possible by placing a symlink like this:

user$ ln -s /etc/shadow $HOME/

This will cause /etc/shadow to be overwritten and its ownership will be changed to the to-be-authenticated user. The to-be-authenticated user can obtain full root privileges. No race condition needs to be won and no pathnames have to be guessed.

3) Embargo Process and Upstream Communication

Fabian Vogt first approached the main upstream author by email. Since we did not get a reaction for several days, we created a private Gitlab issue in the upstream project, offering coordinated disclosure. There was no reaction, thus we decided to handle the embargo and bugfix ourselves, since we needed a fixed pam_oath module for our products. We developed a comprehensive patch, described in Section 4) below.

We requested a CVE from Mitre for this issue and they assigned CVE-2024-47191.

As we were preparing to go public, the upstream author got pinged via private channels and reacted to our report, preparing an upstream bugfix release addressing the issue, described in Section 5) below.

Due to time constraints, we have decided to apply our SUSE bugfix to our products for the time being, until we can evaluate the upstream solution in more depth.

4) SUSE Bugfix

We developed a patch within SUSE to address the issue. The situation for the bugfix is more complex than it might look at first, because many things are unclear or broken in the current source code:

  • the PAM module cannot know for sure if the target usersfile is supposed to be owned by root or by the to-be-authenticated user, or even some unrelated user. The presence of a ${HOME} path element makes it likely that the to-be-authenticated user is supposed to own the file. The presence of a ${USER} element is not that clear, however.
  • the locking mechanism used in the current source code is broken:
    • the usersfile is initially opened for reading and parsed without owning the lock (usersfile.c:470). A parallel task can be about to replace this file with a new version, thus a lost update can occur.
    • the lock file is unlinked again after the usersfile has been updated (usersfile.c:423). This breaks when another task is waiting on the now-unlinked lockfile, while a third task arrives, sees no lockfile and creates a new one.
  • the lockfile is placed in the user’s home directory, possibly cluttering it. Cases like the home directory being a network file system (NFS, CIFS) would need to be considered. The unprivileged user might also prevent the privileged PAM stack from obtaining the lock, causing a local denial-of-service.

We decided to develop a patch that takes as many use cases as possible into account, securing all operations while maintaining backwards compatibility. With the patch, the usersfile path is safely traversed using the *at family of system calls. Privileges will be dropped to the owner of the usersfile as an additional security measure. The locking mechanism has been fixed to cover all accesses to the usersfile. Instead of creating a separate lockfile, the usersfile itself is used for locking, which avoids cluttering the home directory. Additional sanity checks are added e.g. world-writable directory components are denied. The patch employs Linux specific features (e.g. linking files from /proc/self/fd), thus it no longer works for non-Linux systems. The patch description and code comments contain more hints about the individual decisions taken in this patch.

5) Upstream Bugfix

Upstream developed an alternative solution, designed to be more portable and cross-platform. This does not take into account all aspects that we considered in Section 4), but should be sufficient to fix the specific security issue described in this report.

This fix has been released in version 2.6.12 of oath-toolkit. Upstream has also published an associated Security Advisory.

6) Timeline

2024-08-08 Fabian Vogt of SUSE sent an email to the main upstream author, describing the issue. The SUSE Security Team was involved as well.
2024-08-20 After not receiving any reply by email, we created a private GitLab issue describing the vulnerability and offering coordinated disclosure according to our disclosure policy.
2024-08-28 SUSE started developing an internal patch for the issue.
2024-09-19 Our internal patch was getting ready for publication. We added a comment in the private GitLab issue, granting two final weeks of embargo time before we will publish the vulnerability and the patch. We also shared the current patch in the issue.
2024-09-19 We requested a CVE for the issue from Mitre.
2024-09-20 Mitre assigned CVE-2024-47191.
2024-09-29 After being pinged via private channels, the main upstream author reacted to our communication and started preparing a bugfix release.
2024-10-04 Upstream published release 2.6.12 containing the bugfix.

7) References